Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Christmas Python

Open Python IDLE 

Create a New File and save as Christmas.py

1. Copy the code below in to the file and see what happens when you  Run (F5)

2. Can you modify the code to create your own image?

3. Can you find any other fun Christmas code on the Internet? Try HERE

4. Try using the Python Turtle to create your own Christmas image HERE

import turtle

screen = turtle.Screen()

circle = turtle.Turtle()

square = turtle.Turtle()


k = 0
for i in range(1, 17):
    y = 30*i
    for j in range(i-k):
        x = 30*j

    if i % 4 == 0:
        x =  30*(j+1)
        k += 2

    if i % 4 == 3:
        x =  30*(j+1)

for i in range(17,20):
    y = 30*i
    for j in range(3):    
        x = 30*j

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Unit 5 - Networks - Lesson 2 - Topologies

Lesson Objectives

  • Describe the differences between a local area network (LAN) and a wide area network(WAN) such as the Internet
  • Describe the advantages of networking standalone computers into a local area network
  • Describe the hardware needed to connect standalone computers into a local area network
  • Describe ring, star and bus network topologies and advantages/disadvantages of each

  • Starter



    Thursday, 26 November 2015

    Unit 5 - Networks - Lesson 1 - The Internet

    Lesson Objectives

  • Understand what a computer network is
  • Describe the nature of the Internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks
  • Evaluate the impact of the Internet and World Wide Web on society across the globe

  • Starter

    Test your knowledge HERE




    Tuesday, 3 November 2015

    Computer Science Revision

    Click HERE to access the Y11Revsion site for 
    Computer Science

    Thursday, 15 October 2015

    Computer Science Revision

    Lesson Objectives
     - to understand and use a variety of revision techniques to prepare fully for the Year 11 Computer Science Mock Exam


    Review the areas covered so far in Computer Science - Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4 of the AQA book - HERE

    • Unit1 - Computer Systems
    • Unit2 - Hardware
    • Unit3 - Data Representation
    • Unit4 - Software Development Lifecycle


    Red Task
    Identify areas where there are gaps in your knowledge, areas you are not so confident with.

    Use examtime.com to create ONE of the following for EACH chapter covered:

    You can also search examtime.com for a topic of your choice.

    Here are some examples:

    Amber Task
       Add any resources you have made or found to your Blog - using the HTML option and copying the embed code.

    Green Task
    Make a list of useful websites on your blog for Computer Science Revision.
    Here are two to get you started.


    Create a Revision Timetable for Computer Science in the time left between now and your exam on Weds 18th Nov.

    See HERE for guidance.

    • Decide upon the amount of time you have to spend on revision
    • State which days you have left
    • Spread the time allocated between those days
    • List the topics you want to cover
    • Allocate topics to time slots

    Monday, 21 September 2015

    Unit 4 - Software Development SCRATCH App

    Create an App for a Client

    Familiarise yourself with the scenario below.

    NB. You will be given a Scratch file containing the initial phone model seen here.

    Create an App Sheet HERE

    Main Task
    Go though the stages of the Software Development Life Cycle to create an app for your client.

    Consider carefully what needs to happen at EACH stage:






    You will be given 5 lessons to do this.
    You will be expected to submit a report at the end.
    You will be expected to deliver a working model to your client by Mon 5th October.
    Keep it simple!

    Download Scratch Phone template  here

    Thursday, 17 September 2015

    Unit 4 - Software Development L2


    Lesson Objectives
     - understand what prototyping is
    - be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using prototyping when developing solutions
     - have experience of using prototyping to create solutions to simple problems

    Create a paper aeroplane

    Any problems?

    In your book, make a list of the Software Development stages and under each one state what is required to make a successful paper aeroplane.


    Red Task

    How does prototyping help me “the user” to get what I want?
    How does prototyping help you as a “developer” to make the perfect plane?
    What are some of the problems you came across with prototyping the plane?

    Amber Task

    Make a list of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Prototyping

    Green Task

    Copy these 2 diagrams in to your book and make notes on each.

    Make some notes on your Blog about Protoyping

    Thursday, 10 September 2015

    Unit 4 - Software Development L1

    Lesson Objectives
    • Understand the software development life cycle
    • Be able to explain what commonly occurs at each stage of the software development life cycle
    • Be able to identify at which stage of the software development cycle a given step would occur
    • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the cyclical and waterfall system life cycle models



    Red Task
    Having watched the presentation above, work through Worksheet 1a

    Amber Task
    Look at the History of Windows website HERE

    Answer the following questions:      (Electronic version - Worksheet 1b)
    1. Who started up Microsoft in 1975?
    2. What does MS-DOS stand for?
    3. What was the original name considered for the user interface instead of “Windows”?
    4. How much disk space and memory did Windows 1.0 require?
    5. Windows 2.0 was released in 1987. What hardware advances prompted the release of Windows/386?
    6. When did Microsoft become the world’s largest PC software company based on sales?
    7. How was Windows 3 software installed on a PC?
    8. In 1995, Microsoft released Windows 95. How many copies were sold in the first 5 weeks after release?
    9. What were the important new features in Windows 95?
    1. Internet Explorer was also released in 1995. What type of software is this? Systems or Application?
    2. How many beta testers worldwide tested Windows 7 before its release in 2009?
    3. What major features were introduced in Windows 8.1, released in 2013?

    Green Task
    Use easel.ly to create an Infographic of Software Development



    Do some research on Alpha and Beta Testing.
    What is the difference between the two?

    Add some useful notes on Software Development to your Blog. 

    Monday, 7 September 2015

    Computing Academy GCSE e-Book

    Log on to the Computing Academy website for loads of great resources to help you with your Computer Science GCSE.

    Click on the cog icon to log in.  


    Friday, 4 September 2015

    Updating Blogs

    Y11 GCSE Computer Science

    Soon you will be revising for your Y11 Computer Science Exam.
    Use the checklists below to ensure your blog is up to date.

    MAKE SURE you add notes on any topic covered that you DON’T already have notes for.

    Be sure to TICK your sheet for topics you DO have evidence for.

    Friday, 10 July 2015

    Submitting Your Final Controlled Assessment - due Friday 17th July

    Your final Controlled Assessment document must be submitted as 
    ONE complete Word Document.

    Use the following Headings below as a Guide.

    Use Insert - Page Break in Word to ensure Each section is presented on a new page.

    Design of Solution (9 marks) ­ 
       The problem
       User Needs / Success Criteria
       Overview Plan
       Psuedo Code / Flowchart

    Solution Development (Python Program)  (9 marks) ­
       Comparison of Solution Against User Needs/ Success Criteria
       Solution screenshots with text explaining  which Task it addresses
          (ensure code is #commented fully to achieve higher marks)

    Programming Techniques  (36 marks) ­
       Techniques Used and Why
       How Parts Work Together
       How the Program Works as Intended
       Data Structures

    Testing & Evaluation  (9 marks)­ 
      Test Table to test the success criteria
      Show at least one re­test
      How well does it meet user need?
      What else could you have done to improve the program?
      Could you have worked harder on this task?

    Thursday, 9 July 2015

    Testing and Evaluation - due in Mon 13th July

    Lesson Objectives

     - under the requirements for Testing and Evaluating 
     - document Testing and Evaluation of program


    Check your progress so far by viewing your Tracking Sheet 


    Red Task
    Take a look at the Mark Scheme for Testing and Evaluating


    PLEASE print your completed Testing & Evaluating and hand in to Mrs Palmer 
    (Rm 901) on Mon 13th July

    Amber Task
    Set up a Word document with the heading Testing & Evaluating

    What to include:

         1. A 'Testing Table'  to list ALL tests carried out on your program, with ACTIONS to be taken. 
    See example:

         2. A 'Re- Testing Table'  to list ALL tests that had to carried out again due to error the first time around, with any further ACTIONS to be taken. 
    See example:

    Green Task
    Add a section to Evaluate your program by comparing it to the User Needs/Criteria you stated in your Design Solution

    REMEMBER: you gain marks for ANY tasks you manage to complete.
    PLEASE don't worry if you don't manage to complete them all. You will STILL get marks.


    With your Python Buddy review your work again using the Mark Scheme above.

    Complete your Testing & Evaluation documenting ready to hand in on Mon 13th July (hard copy)

    Tuesday, 30 June 2015

    01. Setting Up Controlled Assessment Document

    Set up a NEW FOLDER called 


    in your SITES folder



    SURNAME_FIRSTNAME_58243_CAND NO_Title_of_Work

    Header  containing Your Name, Work Title and Wildern School
    Footer containing Filepath and Page Numbers

    Use Arial Font for all writing 

    Fully Justify your text also 

    and use 

    Consolas Regular Font for all code in size 12

    02. Design of Solution (9 Marks)


     - understand the scenario for Controlled Assessment - Text Encryption

     - a paragraph explaining the scenario

     - a list of user needs/success criteria
     - a plan of your program
     - a flowchart/pseudocode

    Remind yourself about the Caesar Cipher and Encryption

    Red Task

    Read through your CA booklet and identify the following:
          -  The Problem
              Write a short paragraph explaining the scenario in your own words. Try to include                  key words such as menu, encrypt, decrypt, ciphertext. plaintext

          -  User Needs/Success Criteria 
             A bullet pointed list of what the user needs the program to do

          -  Overview Plan 
             A bullet pointed list of HOW you PLAN to create the program 
             eg:    1. Create variables <variableName1>, <variableName2> and assign values
                      2. Use the print() function to display a menu

    Use the headings above to write up in your Controlled Assessment document  (Don't forget to add a Title Page and Contents Page first)

    Use the mark scheme below to help you check it.


    Amber TaskAfter your Overview Plan, add an INPUTSPROCESSESOUTPUTS table in your Word Document and list ALL the inputs, processes and outputs you can think of for this program.

    Green Task 
    In your Design Solution you must include: a FLOWCHART OR PSEUDOCODE.

    Look at the AQA Pseudocode document HERE.

    Create your flowchart, using draw.io OR write your pseudocode

    Extension Task

    Write a  paragraph under the sub-heading Predicting Future Needs, making suggestions about how the program could be improved/developed in the future.


    With your Python Buddy review your work using the Mark Scheme above.