Thursday, 28 January 2016

03 - Solution Development (9 marks)

Lesson Objectives

Use Python to read() the contents of a file

Task 1
Open a file on your drive. 
Controlled Assessment files have been emailed to you - check your mail.
NB. Make sure it is saved in the same location as your python file.

~~~Your Task~~~ 
Write a program that will open() and read() the contents of your file and display it in the screen to test it has loaded.

Task 2

As the scenario asks you to select random words from the file you may want to consider storing it as a list.

Knowing about indices in a list is very useful and if you use the correct conventions Python will instantly recognise your list as a list.

Create a list to hold members of your family. Then use the print() function to print out their names as shown.

~~~Your Task~~~ 
1. Create a program that will prints out random members of your family, using a list as reference, using the random library and rand int
How could you print them in a grid?

Useful site for lists - HERE and for random  - HERE

Thursday, 14 January 2016

02 - Design of Solution (9 marks)


 - understand the scenario for Controlled Assessment - Memory Game

 - a paragraph explaining the scenario

 - a list of user needs/success criteria for EACH Task
 - a plan of how you plan to build your program Task by Task
 - flowcharts/pseudocode for EACH Task

Familiarise yourself thoroughly with the scenario by reading through your Memory Game Booklet given to you y your teacher

Red Task


Identify the following:
      -  The Problem/Scenario 
          Write a short paragraph explaining the scenario in your own words. Try to include                  key words such as random, grid, 30 seconds, removed word. added word

      -  User Needs/Success Criteria 
         A bullet pointed list of what the user needs the program to do for EACH task

      -  Overview Plan 
         A bullet pointed list of HOW you PLAN to create the program 
         eg:    1. For Task 1 I must create variables <variableName1>, <variableName2> that will be used to.......
                  2. For Task 2 I will need to use the print() function to display ..........

Use the headings above to write up in your Controlled Assessment document  (Don't forget to add a Title Page and Contents Page first)

Use the mark scheme below to help you check it.


Amber Task

After your Overview Plan, add an INPUTSPROCESSESOUTPUTS table in your Word Document and list ALL the inputs, processes and outputs you can think of for this program.

BEFORE you start your Flowcharts create an IPSO Table like below:

Green Task 
In your Design Solution you must include: FLOWCHARTs OR PSEUDOCODE.

Look at the AQA Pseudocode document HERE.

Create a flowchart for EACH task separately, using OR write your pseudocode.

It is also advised for higher marks that you draw an overview Flowchart for the WHOLE scenario.

Extension Task

Write a  paragraph under the sub-heading Predicting Future Needs, making suggestions about how the program could be improved/developed in the future.


With your Python Buddy review your work using the Mark Scheme above.

01 - Memory Game - Getting Organised

Set up a NEW FOLDER called 

Memory Game CA

in your SITES folder


Save it in your 

Memory Game CA

 FOLDER  as:


Header  containing Your Name, Work Title and Wildern School
Footer containing Filepath and Page Numbers

Use Arial Font for all writing 

Fully Justify your text also 

and use 

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Unit 5 - Networks - Lesson 4 HTML

Learning Objectives:
  • Explain the importance of HTML as a standard for the creation of web pages
  • Use HTML and CSS to create a simple static web page

1. Create a new Blog post, titled HTML and define the following terms:  

2. Open a webpage of your choice in Google Chrome - press Ctrl-U

Red Task

Amber Task (see Slides 11-14 above)

HTML file:    Jellyfish

Image file:    immortal_jellyfish 

Green Task
Add colours and other features to your webpage:

Choosing Colours: Hex colour picker

Quick Reference Guide:    

Learn more HTML/CSS - HERE

Click on this linkWebsites and web applications

1. Add some evidence of your webpage to your blog under your definitions from earlier.

2. Explain, in your own words, the importance of using HTML as a standard for web page creation.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Unit 5 - Networks - Lesson 3 Client-Server model

Lesson Objectives

  • Explain the role of computers in a client-server network
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of client-server networks
  • Explain the handshaking process used in most modern networking protocols
  • Understand how coding for a client-server model is different from coding for a stand-alone application

Networks Kahoot


Networking Worksheet 3 The client-server model
Networking Homework 3 The client-server model


Link Video Cloud computing