Thursday 5 February 2015

Python Evidence - Session 5 - Lists

Using Python Basics - Lists

Lesson Objectives

 - learn the structure of lists
 - understand indexing in  lists
 - create a program using lists

Copy the following Key Words and Definitions in to your book.

Knowing how to write a list in Python is very useful and if you use the correct conventions Python will instantly recognise your list as a list.

Red Task
Create a list to hold members of your family. Then use the print() function to print out their names as shown.

1. Create a program that will print out members of your family, using a list as reference. 
- print it, stick it in your book and write a note to explain the structure of the list

Orange Task
Create a different list and use the print() function to identify different elements.

2. Write a program using a second list 
 - print it, stick it in your book and write a note to explain what you've done

Green Task
Do some research on List Attributes, in particular:
1. length - len() 
2. count list - count()
3.  add to - append()
4. delete - remove()
5.sort - sort()

Use the code below to help you create your own list attributes - try at least 3 of the 5 given
3. Write a program that counts the number of elements in a list as well as the length of the list.
4. Write a program that adds something to a list and removes something from a list

 - print both, stick them in your book and write a note to explain what you've done

Blog Post (to finish for hwk)
Add the following notes/code snippets to your  blog entitled
 'The structure of a 


Further reading:

Spend at leasst 30 minutes working on Code Academy -

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