Tuesday, 30 June 2015

06 Testing & Evaluating (9 marks)


 - under the requirements for Testing and Evaluating 
 - document Testing and Evaluation of program

 - a Word table showing ALL tests carried out and any retests required
 - a second Word table showing ALL Retests carried out and any further tests required
 - an Evaluation comparing your final program to the Success Criteria list in your Design of Solution section


In your Controlled Assessment document, under the heading Testing & Evaluating, insert a table like the one below. 
Feel free to add more columns if you want to:

Red Task
Take a look at the Mark Scheme for Testing and Evaluating


Amber Task
Set up a Word document with the heading Testing & Evaluating

What to include:

     1. A 'Testing Table'  to list ALL tests carried out on your program, with ACTIONS to be taken. 
See example:

     2. A 'Re- Testing Table'  to list ALL tests that had to carried out again due to error the first time around, with any further ACTIONS to be taken. 
See example:

Green Task
Add a section to Evaluate your program by comparing it to the User Needs/Criteria you stated in your Design Solution

REMEMBER: you gain marks for ANY tasks you manage to complete.
PLEASE don't worry if you don't manage to complete them all. You will STILL get marks.


With your Python Buddy review your work again using the Mark Scheme above.

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