Sunday, 28 June 2015

Design Solution - Top Tips

Design of Solution Top Tips

Section 1: Problem and User Needs
Pupils who do well ......
                     - write up the problem in their own words
                     - used key words such as encrypt, decrypt, plaintext, ciphertext
                     - write 2 separate lists, one for User Needs and one for Success Criteria

Common mistakes..... 
                     - a lack of understanding of the scenario - especially how the key and offset                            are generated

Section 2: Overview Plan
Pupils who do well ......
                     - give variable names, function names and modules to be imported in their                               planning
                     - use key terms such as print(), input(), if elif else, import modules eg random

Common mistakes..... 
                     - re-writing the steps in the task with no programming methods discussed

Section 3: Flowchart/Pseudocode
Pupils who do well ......
                     - produce a clear flowchart (exported as a .png from
                     - produce a flowchart that is easy to read (fills an A4 page)
                     - ensure ALL decision boxes have a Yes and No flow
                     - break down the Generate 8 character key process to show 8x loop

Common mistakes.....
                     - too much text in a symbol 
                     - missing Yes and No flow arrows from ALL decision symbols
                     - referring to sample.txt in both Encrypt and Decrypt

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