- understand the scenario for Controlled Assessment - Text Encryption Outcomes - a paragraph explaining the scenario - a list of user needs/success criteria - a plan of your program - a flowchart/pseudocode Starter Remind yourself about the Caesar Cipher and Encryption
Red Task
Read through your CA booklet and identify the following: - The Problem Write a short paragraph explaining the scenario in your own words. Try to include key words such as menu, encrypt, decrypt, ciphertext. plaintext
- User Needs/Success Criteria A bullet pointed list of what the user needs the program to do - Overview Plan A bullet pointed list of HOW you PLAN to create the program eg: 1. Create variables <variableName1>, <variableName2> and assign values 2. Use the print() function to display a menu
Use the headings above to write up in your Controlled Assessment document (Don't forget to add a Title Page and Contents Page first)
Amber TaskAfter your Overview Plan, add an INPUTS, PROCESSES, OUTPUTS table in your Word Document and list ALL the inputs, processes and outputs you can think of for this program.
Green Task In your Design Solution you must include: a FLOWCHART OR PSEUDOCODE. Look at the AQA Pseudocode document HERE. Create your flowchart, using draw.io OR write your pseudocode
Extension Task Write a paragraph under the sub-heading Predicting Future Needs, making suggestions about how the program could be improved/developed in the future.
With your Python Buddy review your work using the Mark Scheme above.
Section 1: Problem and User Needs Pupils who do well ...... - write up the problem in their own words - used key words such as encrypt, decrypt, plaintext, ciphertext - write 2 separate lists, one for User Needs and one for Success Criteria
Common mistakes..... - a lack of understanding of the scenario - especially how the key and offset are generated Section 2: Overview Plan Pupils who do well ...... - give variable names, function names and modules to be imported in their planning - use key terms such as print(), input(), if elif else, import modules eg random
Common mistakes..... - re-writing the steps in the task with no programming methods discussed Section 3: Flowchart/Pseudocode Pupils who do well ...... - produce a clear flowchart (exported as a .png from draw.io) - produce a flowchart that is easy to read (fills an A4 page) - ensure ALL decision boxes have a Yes and No flow - break down the Generate 8 character key process to show 8x loop Common mistakes..... - too much text in a symbol - missing Yes and No flow arrows from ALL decision symbols - referring to sample.txt in both Encrypt and Decrypt
- use Python programming techniques for a specified task - understand the need for #comments in Python code and use accordingly Outcomes - create a program for the Text Encryption scenario, with comments
Take a look at the Mark Scheme for Solution Development
Red Task Download the sample.txt file HEREand save to your Controlled Assessment folder Amber Task See Mr Park's blog for Solution Development Lessons
REMEMBER: you gain marks for ANY tasks you manage to complete. PLEASE don't worry if you don't manage to complete them all. You will STILL get marks.
Green Task 1. Personalise your code by adding some 'theatricals' For example: print ("Welcome to Text Encryption.") 2. Annotate your code fully by adding comments #this will get you higher marks!!!! 3. Refine your code by using the most efficient methods possible For example: Use of Functions for parts of your code. def encrypt:
With your Python Buddy review your work using the Mark Scheme above.
- under the requirements for Testing and Evaluating - document Testing and Evaluation of program Outcomes - a Word table showing ALL tests carried out and any retests required - a second Word table showing ALL Retests carried out and any further tests required - an Evaluation comparing your final program to the Success Criteria list in your Design of Solution section
In your Controlled Assessment document, under the heading Testing & Evaluating, insert a table like the one below. Feel free to add more columns if you want to:
Red Task Take a look at the Mark Scheme for Testing and Evaluating
Amber Task Set up a Word document with the heading Testing & Evaluating What to include: 1. A 'Testing Table' to list ALL tests carried out on your program, with ACTIONS to be taken. See example:
2. A 'Re- Testing Table' to list ALL tests that had to carried out again due to error the first time around, with any further ACTIONS to be taken. See example:
Green Task Add a section to Evaluate your program by comparing it to the User Needs/Criteria you stated in your Design Solution REMEMBER: you gain marks for ANY tasks you manage to complete. PLEASE don't worry if you don't manage to complete them all. You will STILL get marks.
With your Python Buddy review your work again using the Mark Scheme above.
PLEASE print your completed Programming Techniques and hand in to Mrs Palmer (Rm 901) on Mon 6th July
Amber Task Set up a Word document to include the following: 1. A 'Table of Programming Techniques' to list ALL functions, methods, lists and variables used in your program. 2. List the techniques used in column ONE. In column TWO explain where and why each technique was used in your program - see below.
Green Task Add a section 'Justification of Techniques Used' to go through in more detail WHY you have used the techniques you have. Add a section 'Robustness & Efficiency' to go through how you have ensured the program works in ALL circumstances. Eg what happens if the user types a number instead of a letter. REMEMBER: you gain marks for ANY tasks you manage to complete. PLEASE don't worry if you don't manage to complete them all. You will STILL get marks.
With your Python Buddy review your work again using the Mark Scheme above.
- use Python programming techniques for a specified task - understand the need for #comments in Python code and use accordingly Outcomes - create a program for the Text Encryption scenario, with comments
Take a look at the Mark Scheme for Solution Development
Red Task Download the sample.txt file HEREand save to your Controlled Assessment folder Amber Task See Mr Park's blog for Solution Development Lessons HERE.
REMEMBER: you gain marks for ANY tasks you manage to complete. PLEASE don't worry if you don't manage to complete them all. You will STILL get marks.
Green Task 1. Personalise your code by adding some 'theatricals' For example: print ("Welcome to Text Encryption.") 2. Annotate your code fully by adding comments #this will get you higher marks!!!! 3. Refine your code by using the most efficient methods possible For example: Use of Functions for parts of your code. def encrypt:
With your Python Buddy review your work using the Mark Scheme above.
Section 1: Problem and User Needs Pupils who do well ...... - write up the problem in their own words - used key words such as encrypt, decrypt, plaintext, ciphertext - write 2 separate lists, one for User Needs and one for Success Criteria
Common mistakes..... - a lack of understanding of the scenario - especially how the key and offset are generated Section 2: Overview Plan Pupils who do well ...... - give variable names, function names and modules to be imported in their planning - use key terms such as print(), input(), if elif else, import modules eg random
Common mistakes..... - re-writing the steps in the task with no programming methods discussed Section 3: Flowchart/Pseudocode Pupils who do well ...... - produce a clear flowchart (exported as a .png from draw.io) - produce a flowchart that is easy to read (fills an A4 page) - ensure ALL decision boxes have a Yes and No flow - break down the Generate 8 character key process to show 8x loop Common mistakes..... - too much text in a symbol - missing Yes and No flow arrows from ALL decision symbols - referring to sample.txt in both Encrypt and Decrypt
- understand the scenario for Controlled Assessment - Text Encryption Outcomes - a paragraph explaining the scenario - a list of user needs/success criteria - a plan of your program - a flowchart/pseudocode Starter Remind yourself about the Caesar Cipher and Encryption
Red Task
Read through your CA booklet and identify the following: - The Problem Write a short paragraph explaining the scenario in your own words. Try to include key words such as menu, encrypt, decrypt, ciphertext. plaintext
- User Needs/Success Criteria A bullet pointed list of what the user needs the program to do - Overview Plan A bullet pointed list of HOW you PLAN to create the program eg: 1. Create variables <variableName1>, <variableName2> and assign values 2. Use the print() function to display a menu
Use the headings above to write up in your Controlled Assessment document (Don't forget to add a Title Page and Contents Page first)
After your Overview Plan, add an INPUTS, PROCESSES, OUTPUTS table in your Word Document and list ALL the inputs, processes and outputs you can think of for this program.
Green Task In your Design Solution you must include: a FLOWCHART OR PSEUDOCODE. Look at the AQA Pseudocode document HERE. Create your flowchart, using draw.io OR write your pseudocode
Extension Task Write a paragraph under the sub-heading Predicting Future Needs, making suggestions about how the program could be improved/developed in the future.
With your Python Buddy review your work using the Mark Scheme above.